Infant to Preschool
Our ProgramsOffering Lancaster, PA working families high-quality education and care & making it accessible to all through Pre-K Counts.
We have programs for infants, toddlers & preschool age children.
Our Programs
Exceptional Care & Education
When you choose to enroll at Lancaster Early Education Center, you are choosing the best care and quality education available for your child. Each program we offer includes a research-backed curriculum along with the care of our high-caliber LEEC staff.
When you choose LEEC, you are giving your child a chance to excel in development – mentally, behaviorally & emotionally.
Licensed and Accredited
Lancaster Early Education Center (LEEC) is NAEYC accredited, STAR 4, and dually licensed by the PA Department of Human Services AND the PA Department of Education.

FREE Speech Therapy
Lancaster Early Education Center has partnered with Pathways Therapy Solutions to provide speech therapy to all children enrolled in our program at NO COST!
Our Programs Offered
Caring for & Educating Ages 0-5
Below are our current programs.
Click to read the details for each and to enroll.
Our Programs
8 Weeks – 12 Months Old
Infant Program
Our program provides a secure, safe, and nurturing environment in which infants can develop a sense of trust in themselves and others, as well as a healthy curiosity about exploring “their” world.
Our program provides individualized care that is responsive to the specific developmental needs of each child and exhibits respect for parental concern by providing continuity between home and care practices.
The environment is designed to allow the infants to comfortably explore their surroundings and have access to materials that are developmentally appropriate and support cognitive development. The “home-like” feel of the infant classrooms allows infants to transition more comfortably into a group care setting.
All infants are kept with their primary caregivers for 9 months or longer whenever possible. Infant teachers assist in acclimating young toddlers to their new classroom when it is time for transition.
Pennsylvania’s Infant and Toddler Early Learning Standards (ELS) are used in curriculum development. The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos provides the framework for individualizing curriculum for each child.
Infant Program
Daily Activities:
A responsive, supportive, language-rich environment provides a safe, attachment-based learning environment for infants. Infant’s schedules are individualized based upon their needs. Activity levels differ with each child and teachers individualize instruction to support optimal development for all children. All learning domains are supported in the infant program. Infants are given open-ended, developmentally appropriate toys and materials to explore and engage with. Parents will receive detailed notes about their children’s daily activities including meals, sleep time, diapering, and books and activities.
Toddler & Tweens Program
Daily Activities:
The daily routine focuses on the predictable events that toddlers need to thrive including regularly scheduled meals, free play, gross motor, and rest times. The schedule remains flexible based upon child needs’ and interests. Teachers modify the program day as necessary to meet the needs of the children in their care. Children have the opportunity to learn through both teacher and child-directed activities. Children engage in activities that support learning in all domains. Sensory experiences and gross motor activities are daily components of the curriculum.
Our Programs
Toddler 1-2 Years Old // Tween 2-3 Years Old
Toddler & Tweens Program
Our program provides a safe environment that focuses on the autonomy and wonder of young and older toddlers & tweens.
Our program aids each child in becoming self-directed in play and daily routines so that s/he is able to gain competence and confidence in his/her individual abilities.
Teachers recognize each child’s differing activity levels and need for stimulation and design classroom activities and provide materials according to these needs. Pennsylvania’s Infant and Toddler Early Learning Standards (ELS) are used in curriculum development. The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos provides the framework for individualizing curriculum for each child. A variety of open-ended materials and real-life experiences allow children to make sense of their environment and the world around them.
Classroom environments are child-focused and designed to promote autonomy. Books and learning materials are rotated regularly to ensure materials are developmentally appropriate, challenging, and based upon children’s interests. All toddlers/tweens are kept with their primary caregivers for 9 months or longer whenever possible.
Toddler 1-2 Years Old // Tween 2-3 Years Old
Toddler & Tweens Program
Our program provides a safe environment that focuses on the autonomy and wonder of young and older toddlers.
Our program aids each child in becoming self-directed in play and daily routines so that s/he is able to gain competence and confidence in his/her individual abilities.
Teachers recognize each child’s differing activity levels and need for stimulation and design classroom activities and provide materials according to these needs. Pennsylvania’s Infant and Toddler Early Learning Standards (ELS) are used in curriculum development. The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos provides the framework for individualizing curriculum for each child. A variety of open-ended materials and real-life experiences allow children to make sense of their environment and the world around them.
Classroom environments are child-focused and designed to promote autonomy. Books and learning materials are rotated regularly to ensure materials are developmentally appropriate, challenging, and based upon children’s interests. All toddlers/tweens are kept with their primary caregivers for 9 months or longer whenever possible.
Toddler & Tweens Program
Daily Activities:
The daily routine focuses on the predictable events that toddlers need to thrive including regularly scheduled meals, free play, gross motor, and rest times. The schedule remains flexible based upon child needs’ and interests. Teachers modify the program day as necessary to meet the needs of the children in her care. Children have the opportunity to learn through both teacher and child-directed activities. Children engage in activities that support learning in all domains. Sensory experiences and gross motor activities are daily components of the curriculum.
Our Programs
3-5 years old
Preschool Program
Our preschool program provides a learning and living environment that enables children to make choices so that they become self-reliant and self-confident, with a respect for themselves and others.
The program furnishes activities that enhance each child’s growth and development. It focuses on positive guidance to assist children in decision-making and acting as a citizen in the classroom community.
Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards for Pre-Kindergarten (ELS) are used in curriculum development. The Creative Curriculum provides the framework for individualizing curriculum for each child.
The curriculum is reflective of the individuals in the classroom community. Teachers facilitate child-directed learning by providing a stimulating, challenging, developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports the needs of all learners.
Preschool Program
Daily Activities:
Daily routines are flexible to ensure the needs of students are met. Teachers engage students in learning experiences embedded in daily routines. Teachers focus on promoting higher-order thinking skills and developing student’s sense of inquiry. All learning domains are covered in the curriculum. Materials are open-ended and based upon student interest. Teachers engage students in a variety of hands-on experiments and activities that promote learning through experience.
Making Quality Education & Care Possible for All
If you are a parent that meets the requirement for our Pre-K Counts program, we are excited to offer you the exceptional care every child deserves and should have access to.
Our Programs
Before Care & After Care
Pre-K Counts
Lancaster Early Education Center’s Pre-K Counts (PKC) is designed for children who are 3 years old prior to September 1st of the academic school year. PKC is a Department of Education – funded classroom for children who meet the guidelines for income, language or are considered at-risk for school failure. Families with income that is equal to or less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are eligible for the Pre-K Counts program. Enrollment is prioritized based on risk factors.
Pre-K Counts classrooms operate for 180 days during the school year, from 8 am – 1:30 pm. The program is free to eligible families. Enrollment is based on need. If parents require before or after care, it can be scheduled with the Center, based on availability (an additional fee will be assessed).
Before Care & After Care
Pre-K Counts
Lancaster Early Education Center’s Pre-K Counts (PKC) is designed for children who are 3 years old prior to September 1st of the academic school year. PKC is a Department of Education-funded classroom for children who meet the guidelines for income, language or are considered at-risk for school failure. Families with income that is equal to or less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are eligible for the Pre-K Counts program. Enrollment is prioritized based on risk factors.
Pre-K Counts classrooms operate for 180 days during the school year, from 8 am – 1:30 pm. The program is free to eligible families. Enrollment is based on need. If parents require before or after PKC care it can be scheduled with the Center, based on availability (an additional fee will be assessed).
Making Quality Education & Care Possible for All
If you are a working parent that meets the requirement for Pre-K Counts, we are excited to offer you the exceptional care every child deserves and parent should have access to.
Our Programs
Going Above & Beyond in Learning
Enrichment Programs
We are excited to offer Storytime Art classes by Art Matters Studio.
Classes are included in regular enrollment and will happen in our Preschool classrooms on their regular schedule. Storytime art classes include a storytime followed by a mixed media art project on paper that combines drawing, painting, and/or collage!
How To Register Your Child for LEEC
We love welcoming new children and parents into our LEEC family and can’t wait to greet you!
Call with Questions
Send us a Message
Click any Register Now button. You’ll be directed to our Procare Parent Portal where you can enter your e-mail and complete the first step for registration.
Once your registration inquiry is received (and if space is available), an enrollment packet will be emailed to you from DocuSign.
After you return the enrollment packet, we will contact you to arrange a tour of the facility and complete your registration!
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If you're in need of free pre-k for your children & you work full-time, you may be eligible for Pre-K counts which offers free Pre-kindergarten care to eligible working parents. To learn more about & register for Pre-K counts: