How to Help Your Child Transition to Preschool

Sending your little one off to preschool is a milestone that can evoke a mix of emotions! For many parents, it’s a time filled with both hope and excitement for their child’s growth and a little nervousness for their well being through this big transition. If you’re gearing up for sending your little one to preschool here, we have some practical tips and advice to help make the process smoother for both you and your beloved child.

1. Talk About It

Before your child’s first day, have a lot of open conversations about what they can expect. Use age-appropriate language to explain what preschool is, emphasizing the fun and new experiences they’ll have. Reading books about starting school can be helpful in framing this new adventure positively!

2. Visit the Preschool Together

Familiarity can ease a lot of anxiety. Arrange a visit to LEEC with your child by calling us or sending us a message. Let them explore their new classroom, meet their teacher, and play with some of the toys. This can make the environment feel more comfortable and less intimidating when the first day arrives.

3. Establish a Consistent Routine

Children thrive on routine, and having a predictable schedule can help them feel secure. Start implementing the preschool routine—wake-up times, meal times, and bedtime— before school starts. This can help your child adjust more easily to the new schedule.

4. Create a Positive Goodbye Ritual

Saying goodbye can be tough, but having a special, consistent goodbye ritual can make the process smoother. It could be a hug, a special phrase, or a quick high-five. This ritual provides reassurance and a sense of closure for both you and your child.

5. Encourage Independence and Self-Care Skills

Preschool is a great opportunity for children to develop independence. Encourage skills like dressing themselves, using the bathroom independently if they are ready, and managing their belongings. These skills will help your child feel more confident in their new environment.

6. Prepare for Separation Anxiety

It’s normal for children to experience separation anxiety, and it’s okay to acknowledge these feelings. If your child is struggling, reassure them that it’s okay to feel sad and that they will be fine. Avoid sneaking away, as this can increase anxiety; instead, offer a brief but positive goodbye and stick to it (see rituals above!).

7. Stay Positive and Encouraging

Children pick up on their parents’ emotions, so try to stay upbeat about preschool. Your positive attitude will help reinforce that this is a fun and exciting new step. Praise your child for their bravery and enthusiasm!

8. Establish a Relationship with Teachers

Building a good relationship with your child’s teacher can make a big difference. Share any concerns or important information about your child with the teacher, and ask for regular updates on how your child is adjusting. We have a great app where we keep you clued into their day so you always feel connected to how they are doing each day at LEEC!

9. Support Social Skills Development

Preschool is a social environment, and your child will be interacting with peers regularly. Help them develop social skills by arranging playdates or engaging in group activities where they can practice sharing, taking turns, and communicating with others.

10. Be Patient and Flexible

Every child adjusts to preschool at their own pace. Some may take longer to feel comfortable, while others might dive in headfirst. Be patient and flexible with your expectations. Celebrate small victories and offer comfort when they express sadness or challenges.

11. Celebrate the Milestone!

Finally, celebrate this new chapter in your child’s life! Whether it’s with a special treat, a family outing, or a small celebration, acknowledging this milestone helps reinforce the positive aspects of starting preschool.

The transition to preschool is a significant step in your child’s development and school life. By preparing, talking about it often and openly, and offering consistent support, you can help ensure that their transition to preschool is positive and enriching for your little one. Remember, this is a journey for both you and your child, and with a bit of patience and encouragement, you’ll both come through it stronger and more confident.

If you have any questions or need support from us, we would love to connect with you. Reach out anytime! 

Lancaster Early Education Center formerly Lancaster Day Care Center Quality early care & education since 1915.
Lancaster Early Education Center formerly Lancaster Day Care Center Quality early care & education since 1915. in Downtown Lancaster, PA


Early Education Center

Making it possible for working parents to afford exceptional early education in Lancaster, PA.
Affordable education & care since 1915.

Our Programs

Offering Lancaster, PA families high-quality education and care & making it accessible to all through Pre-K Counts. We have programs for infants, toddlers & preschool-age children.




Lancaster Early Education Center is a non-profit charitable organization committed to providing affordable, high-quality early care and education to children from working families.

Every parent deserves to be able to afford exceptional education & care for their children.

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